Mantor for National level Hackthon team in 2017. Successful completion of two seed funded Crieya projects. All India 11th and 25th rank in Food Analyst Examination by FSSAI in Jan. and Sept. 2018.Awarded Third Prize in AVISHKAR “Food Technology Innovation” IPL (INNOVATIVE PREMIER LEAGUE) SEASON- 1 (2016) Organized by an AFSTI and ICT held on 16th October 2016 in Mumbai. Best poster award for “GARDEN CRESS (L.Sativum) seed as a novel nutrient dense food” XXIV Indian Convention of Food Scientist and Technologist in 2015 at Parbhani (M.S.). Award of National Fellowship for other backward classes by University Grants Commission, New Delhi for Ph.D in 2014. Secured 32nd Rank in ICAR’S All India Entrance Examination (AIEEA-PG-2009). Qualified without fellowship in ICAR’S All India Senior Research Fellowship [ICAR-SRF (PGS)-2012]. Qualified without fellowship in ICAR’S All India Senior Research Fellowship [ICAR-SRF (PGS)-2012]. Qualified for Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Boards ARS-2012 for mains examination. Qualified for Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Boards ARS-2013 for interview. Qualified Maharashtra Public Service Commission’s “Assistant Commissioner” (Food and Drug Administration, Group- A, Examination in 2015 for interview. Winner of Inter Collegiate “AVISHKAR 2014” Competition in PPG level under category of pure sciences organized by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri on 30-31st Dec.2014. Winner of Inter Collegiate Research Convention “AVISHKAR 2015” Competition in PPG level under category of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry organized by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri during 5th-6th Jan. 2016. Secured All India 25th rank in 1st Junior Food Analyst Examination Conducted by FSSAI, New Delhi in month of January, 2018. Secured All India 11th rank in 2nd Junior Food Analyst Examination Conducted by FSSAI, New Delhi in month of September, 2018. Selected for post of “Technical Officer” by EIC, New Delhi in May, 2018. Scrutinized for Interview for the post of “Subject Matter Specialist (Food Science and Technology)” by Mahatma Phule krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri in August 19. Qualified for “Food Safety Digital Mitra” by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, New Delhi.