Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (INDIA)

CSIR - CFTRI Campus, Mysuru - 570020, Karnataka, INDIA

30th ICFoST-2024: Invitation for Logo Competition

Monday 19th August 2024

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AFSTI/30th ICFoST/2024                                                                                          Aug 19, 2024


Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from AFST(I), Mysuru,

We are pleased to inform that 30th ICFoST Logo Competition is announced, in this context, the we invite all the Students & Research scholars to participate. The details are available in the Logo competition flyer and the same is attached herewith for your kind reference.

Please request your students and Research scholars to make use of this great opportunity and participate in the 30th ICFoST Logo Competition and also kindly arrange for wide publicity among you contacts & your nearby institutions/industries/colleges. 



The Last date for Submission is 5th September 2024 

submit your entries :


Best regards,

Dr. Naveen Shivanna

Honorary Secretary, AFST(I)  ||